List of the best beaches near Seville
In our opinion, this is the Top 10 list of the nearest beach to the city of Seville to escape from the city on the hottest days and enjoy a refreshing swim in the best beaches of Andalucia.
- Islantilla (Huelva)
- El Portil (Huelva)
- Matalascañas (Huelva)
- Playa de la Victoria and Cortadura (Cadiz)
- Camposoto (Cadiz)
- El Palmar (Cadiz)
- Los caños de Meca (Cadiz)
- Bolonia (Cadiz)
- Zahara de los Atunes (Cadiz)
- Valdevaqueros – Tarifa (Cadiz)
Best beaches near Seville
Many who come to Seville ask themselves a question: Does a city as hot as Seville have a beach?
The hottest days in the city during the summers sometimes exceed 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit, so some cold, fresh water to dive into is needed.
Although some call the Guadalquivir River the “Beach of Seville,” the truth is that it is prohibited from swimming in the river for safety reasons. Sadly the city of Seville does not have a beach to call its own.
Beaches next to seville
The provinces of Huelva and Cadiz both have beautiful beaches and are less than an hour drive from Seville. Actually, these two provinces are regarded as having the best beaches in Spain.
Technically the nearest beach to Seville is the Playa de Matalascañas in Huelva. Located inside Donana National Park and more than 30 kilometers in length it’s the longest virgin beach in Spain.
Equally as close but in another direction, the beaches of Sanlucar de Barrameda, San Fernando, and El Puerto de Santa Maria in Cadiz are all less than an hour drive from Seville.
If you are willing to journey further than an hour, there are the beaches of Chiclana, La Playa de Conil, El Palmar, Los Caños de Meca, Zahara de los Atuna, Bolonia, and Tarifa Beach.
How Can I Get to the Best Beaches near Seville?
Although there is public transport daily to many of the coastal cities, they are not the best options as many are unnecessarily long due to stops and other routes for other passengers, naturally, making your trip much longer.
Your best and most convenient option is to rent a car and drive on your own.
There are daily trains from Seville through Cadiz, though they are not very close to the beaches, instead offering a brisk 20 minute walk if you prefer.
To check the bus schedule from Seville to the beach, you can visit the stations of Plaza de Armas and Prado de San Sebastián.
For Seville to Cadiz, check the Santa Justa and San Bernardo train stations of Renfe.